Brynlee had a great time and she was so happy that we spent the whole day there! Her 2 favorite rides were the little whales and the Haunted Houses which we had to do over and over again! (she is such a little me!)
These are the whales and she loved them cause they didn't tickle her tummy!
Oh and these are the tigers that Kylee and Brynlee just loved. Tanner won that one for Kylee and yes, I won the other one from Brynlee. It only took me two basketballs to get it, I was shocked!!
Brynlee and Kylee got to ride with Grandpa all the way across the park, and I got to ride with my little stud Tanner!
All smiles here but that isn't the whole story! On the first ride that I took Brynlee on she started to get scared, so I taught her that when you get scared it helps to scream! Oh wow, she is one good screamer! Me, Kayloni, Erik, and Brynlee had all gone on the Tilt a Whirl right before this one, (the first ride Kayloni and Erik had gone on with Brynlee) she screamed the entire time. Let me just tell you that she has the highest loudest scream ever!! She had everyone cracking up!
Kayloni and Erik took her alone on this one and yes again she screamed the entire time! Thanks Kayloni and Erik, I don't know that my ears could have taken much more!
Questar has a bunch of games and activities set up in the morning time before they serve us lunch. This is me and Brynlee decorating cookies.
This is a picture of her making a great shot to win a lovely prize!
All and all it was a great day! I am so use to going to Lagoon and riding all of the crazy rides over and over again. This year I got to still go on all of the fun rides but it was so much more exciting to watch Brynlee smile as she got to go on the little rides! She had such a wonderful day. It is great to see her have a full day of smiles, she deserved it!!
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